We’re really excited to announce that our next webinar will be on the 14th July and will be all about scaling paid media in 2022.
Specifically, we will be discussing how to set sensible benchmarks and select the right KPIs from which you can then make informed decisions as you scale.
Over the past 12 months or so, many businesses have been finding themselves in the position where they are having to re-assess what good looks like. ROAS goals that might have triggered an increase in spend last year may no longer be applicable.
The risk here is that you either scale spend on activity that isn’t contributing revenue, or equally as bad, you cut spend on activity that is driving demand (but perhaps not showing a direct ROAS). It’s a tough spot to be in for sure.
In reality, scaling paid media has never been straightforward and simple. So really it’s a case of adjusting your approach to keep driving your business forwards.
For those that have joined our previous webinars will know, our format is based entirely around discussion and Q&A with no slides at all. This means plenty of insight from our wonderful special guests and lots of opportunity to get your questions answered!
Joining us for this webinar will be:
- Matthew Soakell (YouGov)
- James Ewens (Furniture Box)
- Abi Carey (Overdrive Digital)
If you like the sound of the above then save your spot here and we very much look forward to seeing you on the 14th!
Please do also feel free to let us know if you have any questions you would like us to cover. We want the session to be as useful as possible, and the more we hear from you, the better the webinar will be 🙂
Here’s a quick recap on what we are planning to cover:
- How the challenge with scaling has changed
- What the best KPIs are for each platform
- How to measure early contributors (i.e social)
- Looking at overall impact on a P&L level
- Decision making processes for scaling
- How to scale creative & ad copy
- Joining up your PPC & Paid Social for maximum impact
See you there!