Twenty years is a long time to be in business. In the web development world and particularly ecommerce, things have changed a huge amount in that time – with vast improvements in available technology the sector is almost unrecognisable.

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In this episode I chat with founder and CEO of specialist ecommerce agency GPMD, Mark Slocock who last year celebrated 20 years in business. Mark joined me for a 30-minute chat through their 20-year journey which as I’m sure you can imagine covered a lot of points!

Starting GPMD almost straight out of university, the original plan was to build out an ecommerce platform in parallel with development services. With changes in personal and the sector developing at a rapid pace, listen in to find out how Mark traversed from plan A to the successful ecommerce agency they are today.

From hiring to general operations, we have a frank conversation about all the lessons learnt over the agency’s 20-year life span. As you can imagine, there’s a lot of interesting stuff in there, the output being some fantastic advice for anyone managing and recruiting teams.

Not only is this a super useful episode for anyone running an agency, there’s some great lessons for any business to take on here.

What this episode covers:

  • GPMDs 20-year story
  • Highlights / lowlights of 20 years in business
  • How to recruit A players
  • Operations and software
  • The future of ecommerce

Thanks again to Mark for making the time and hope you all enjoy this one!