The big privacy debate. Such a big topic, with so many extremely important outcomes on both sides of the fence…we thought if nothing else, it should make for a good podcast episode!

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I genuinely feel that advertisers are stuck between a rock and a hard place here. On one side, I completely agree that data privacy is hugely important, but on the other side I see the positive impact having data has when trying to grow a business through advertising.

In the world of Facebook Ads, recent shake ups in advertising data has been well and truly kicked up a gear by iOS14. But it’s really nothing new.

We had the rollout of GDPR in Europe, ITP has been impacting Safari and data in Google Analytics for years, and does anyone remember the glorious days of seeing full organic keyword data in GA?! The marketing world has been having to adapt for some time.

I’d like to hope that no one listening to this podcast would disagree with the fact that data privacy is important. But there has to be a fine line and a sensible balance to strike.

Ultimately, with more and more limitations on the data available to advertisers, it’s going to be the smaller businesses that will likely suffer the most. Without the large budgets to afford volume and expertise, getting a new business off the ground has just become that little bit harder.

There is also the issue of public perception. Thanks in large part to a few years’ worth of terrible press, Facebook have done nothing to help the situation. In fact, many people see data privacy as a Facebook problem, forgetting the vast amount of platforms that have access to your data.

Whatever your opinions on the subject, the fact is that this is not going away and the data we have to use as advertisers will continue to be reduced. The focus for us needs to be on what we do about it, and how we adjust our strategies to fit in with these changes.

Listen to the episode to find out what we recommend!

What this episode covers:

  • What’s going on – recent changes
  • The impact on advertisers
  • A recap on iOS14
  • What we need to do about it as advertisers