EP73 – My Business Story, Amelia Sordell

Author Jon Quinton < 1 min read time

Hello and welcome back to another instalment in our ‘My business Story’ series. In this week’s episode we speak to Amelia Sordell, personal branding expert and founder of Klowt.

If you’re interested in how building your personal brand can contribute to a growing business, check out this episode for Amelia’s advice!

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If you’ve spent any time at all on LinkedIn, you’ve probably come across Amelia. With well over 100,000 followers and posts that generate huge levels of engagement, I wanted to find out what the reality of getting to that point was like.

Not only do we talk about the positive impact having a strong personal brand can provide, we also talk through some of the potential downsides and how much hard work it is to start getting traction. 

Really hope you enjoy this episode!


Having been involved in digital marketing for over a decade, Jon set up Overdrive Digital in 2016. With extensive experience in both paid media and organic channels, Jon has worked with brands ranging from small startups to global businesses.