Welcome to episode 68! This week I’m joined by Dan, our head of client services to talk through the challenges of setting targets, KPIs and objectives for your paid media activity.

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Finding the right objectives for your business has always been tough, but for several reasons it’s harder now than it ever has been. 

Firstly we’ve seen HUGE changes on the platforms in the past 12 months and secondly, comparing year on year is extremely difficult for many businesses due to out of character trading through the pandemic. When the goal posts have moved so much, knowing what you should be aiming for is hard!

The positive side of this is that if you can pin down a fresh set of benchmarks that you know make sense for your business, you immediately have a competitive advantage due to being able to scale with confidence.

Whilst your competition spend time reviewing their targets and potentially even standing still, being able to make decisions quickly gives you a huge gain! 

In some cases this requires re-looking at how you measure performance, and in other cases it simply means re-setting goals, but if you haven’t got a clear answer for ‘what’s our new performance target for 2022’ – it’s something you need to work on.

In this episode we give you our advice for setting paid media targets in 2022 and how to go about this if you are struggling.
