Hit a dead end with your campaigns? Need some inspo? Check out our quick tips to help improve your BAU Paid Social Campaigns and start seeing those results!

You may also be interesting in our Podcast Episode “Are performance max campaigns worth trying”


This may sound like an obvious one, but when your campaigns are struggling, pause what isn’t working and re-distribute your budget to what is converting well.

If you need a quick win in terms of increased conversions and revenue, it may not be the time to test and leave on a struggling ad set ‘just in case’ it picks up. 

Revise Your Offer 

Is your offer or messaging strong enough? Put yourself in the shoes of your target audience. Let them know exactly what they are getting. 

What are the benefits? What separates you from competitors? Besides, you only have seconds to capture their attention and stand out in their feed! 


You need to align your content with your audiences as this is going to have a direct impact on your conversions. Take a look at what’s converted well historically. Why not get creative (pardon the pun!) by designing some new variations of creative based on previous top performers. 

Follow a goal, be clear and get straight to the point. This can also be done through your CTA (call to action). As stated, you have to capture people quickly!

Landing Page

Now your landing page needs to be digestible and easy to navigate. This means super clear home and collection pages. The last thing you want is a potential buyer to exit your website due to not being able to find what they’re looking for! 

Another thing to keep in mind is your tracking. With the help of the Facebook Pixel helper, you can ensure your conversion event is firing. It’s also worth checking Page View, View Content, Initiate Checkout, Add To Cart and Purchase events are all firing too!


Know your audience! Utilising tools such as affinity categories within Google Analytics can help you dig a little deeper into your target audience’s and get to know them and their interests better. We love using this tool to target a number of new categories we’d never think to try! (Can confirm great success rates too!)

You can check out our blog on how to use affinity categories here. Running some lookalike audiences off your best customers is also a great way to ensure you’re hitting those quality audiences that should in turn convert! 

If you want to chat about getting some extra help on your campaigns – be sure to drop us a line!


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