The world of devops and marketing are often viewed as completely separate units, however there’s a huge need to improve conversations between the two teams.

In this episode I talk with Stephen Thair, founder of the DevOpsGroup to talk through exactly this issue and how and why these silos need to be broken down.

Stephen has a wealth of experience of working in the field of devops and since founding DevOpsGroup in 2013 they’ve provided support for the likes of SkyScanner, Asos, Admiral and more.

Throughout the 30-minute chat Stephen throws in some fascinating examples of how devops and marketing need to communicate to drive better results. If you’re interested in the operations side of digital marketing then this is well worth a listen!

Do also check out their online resources to find out more on the topic of devops.

What this episode covers:

  • What is devops and why is it an important consideration for brands
  • How and why marketing teams need to consider devops
  • Why internal teams need to communicate better to improve performance
  • Plenty of amazing examples!

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