If your line of day to day work involves Google Ads, you’ve probably heard of Performance Max campaigns. 

Performance Max campaigns are Google’s latest move into fully automated campaign types, allowing (in theory!) advertisers to set up quickly and start generating results. 

In this episode I talk to Chris from our PPC team to give you the lowdown on what they are all about, how to get started and a view on what we’ve seen from our initial testing.

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As with Smart campaigns, the notion of ‘easy to start’ and good performance don’t always go hand in hand, so has the evolution to performance max improved things? 

With performance max campaigns you have the opportunity to run automated campaigns across all Google properties including search, YouTube, Gmail and Display. This in turn means you need a certain amount of assets to get started.

One of the positive elements compared to smart campaigns is the ability to add in audience signals to help influence the targeting. If you’re used to running ads on Facebook, think lookalike audiences and you’ll be along the right kind of lines.

If you want to give performance max a try, then give this episode a listen and get the lowdown on everything you need to know!
