EP162 – The Scale Up Season: What’s holding you back? With Yasmine Khan – Business Psychologist

Author Sarah Hailwood 2 min read time

Welcome to episode 162 of the marketing freaks podcast and the next instalment in the scale up season. In this episode, Jon is joined by Yasmine Khan, a business psychologist who specialises in working with founders and senior leadership teams in high-growth companies. Are you your biggest obstacle when it comes to scaling your business?

Yasmine shares insight into the overlooked human and psychological aspects of scaling a business, how mindset is a key driver of growth along side tactics and strategies and how founders can identify and overcome the psychological barriers holding them back from success.


Key Takeaways:

  • Fear is the biggest barrier in professional and personal growth. Understand how to recognise and confront these fears to move forward.
  • Discover how adopting a growth mindset can be the key to unlocking business success and overcoming fear of failure.
  • Gain insight into the power of self-awareness and self-regulation for founders and leaders, particularly in recognising stress and burnout during high-pressure growth phases.
  • Learn how aligning leadership teams and fostering collaboration can prevent conflict and stress, creating a cohesive environment that drives sustainable growth.
  • Discover how micro feedback and real-time coaching play a crucial role in reinforcing employees’ significance and driving continuous learning, without relying solely on formal training sessions.
  • Gain insight into how confronting common fears can propel both personal and business growth.