Hi all and welcome to episode 99 of the Marketing Freaks podcast! During this week’s episode, Jon is joined by the wonderful Anastasia Roumelioti to talk about how defining the right corporate values for your business enables you to steer your marketing efforts, sales and growth in the right direction.

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Every company has its own culture which is a large part of the DNA of a business and by utilising core values within a business, you’re providing your team with the tools and knowledge to carry out day-to-day activities effectively. 

It’s important that these values align with the objective in terms of what the business aims to achieve and they should be there to help create a framework in conducting business. So what are the common mistakes people make when setting their core values? 

One of the main errors we often come across is the vagueness that some values have and their lack of authenticity. When core values are set in place, it’s crucial that they are both actionable and memorable. This then means that all employees will not only remember them along the way, but will also take action in relation to that value. 

This goes for your leadership teams too. Within a business there are different roles and demographics that have different goals too BUT when there is a mission that unifies the team, everyone will respect that.

A well thought through core value structure shouldn’t only inspire behaviour or culture, but it should influence every decision across the business whether that is who you work with, how you treat your customers, how you treat your employees and even how you treat the environment. 

So do you feel your business has the right core values in place? Checkout this week’s episode to find out more!
